
Family Notices on Rochdale Online

Example NoticeAnnounce your news on Rochdale Online :

Births, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Celebrations, Bereavements, Acknowledgements, In Memoriam

Every notice can have up to 250 words and a photograph. 

Your notice will appear in the Notices section of Rochdale Online . The notice will never be removed from the site since we archive everything published.

Because your notice is online, it can be sent easily to friends and family members anywhere in the world.


To Book

Please email the text for your notice to today.

You can either email us the photo as an attachment, post it to us or we can scan it (while you wait) at our office. Call into our office at, Rochdale Online , First Floor, 122 Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, OL16 1LA.

Any photos posted to us will be returned to you by post within 7 days.

For more information, ring 01706 523583 during office hours.


Payment is required when booking your advert.

All prices quoted include VAT.


"We have been using Rochdale Online for our Obituary Notices for a while now, the system is easy to use, with no deadlines to adhere to and our notices are published the same day.
Our families like the fact that a picture can be used, they have freedom with the amount of words allowed and it is very cost effective.

Bridgefold Independent Funeral Service